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"Nature provides all the inspiration that’s needed. The art, as far as I’m concerned, is in translating that inspiration into a two-dimensional object that has a presence of its own.” 

Landscapes are what occupies Sefton most. After a long career as a television journalist covering human and natural disasters in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, Sefton now resides on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It’s there, with its vast, long horizons of marsh and sky, of swelling farm fields and lonesome barns, that peace can be found. 

Doug Sefton learned to paint on the Eastern Shore and remains fascinated with the search to capture the endless variety of its natural beauty. 

Landscapes are his subject of choice – faithfully rendered and not romanticized or saccharine. He works views that he hopes inspire serenity, an untroubled calm. And when successful imply a sense of there being something more, unseen but felt. 

“The grandeur of the mountains, canyons and deserts of the West may inspire awe but the simple elegance of our creeks and farms goes to the heart of what painting is about.” 

Sefton works in oil and watercolor. He regularly exhibits at galleries in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Easton’s Academy Art Museum, Gallery 1683 Annapolis, Plein Air Festival Local Color, Talbot County Visual Arts Center, Dorchester Arts Center, Main Street Gallery, the Oxford Fine Art Exhibit, and Easton’s Promise Gallery. He is a member of the Plein Air Painters of the Eastern Shore and the Saint Michaels Art League. He has won numerous awards.


Second Place Award, all media
Plein Air Exhibition, Dorchester Art Center 2010
Second Place Prize, Watercolor
Plein Air Easton – Local Color Exhibition 2010
Best Pastoral Award, Watercolor
Plein Air Easton - Local Color Exhibition   2009
Juror’s Choice Award, Oil
Plein Air Exhibition, Dorchester Art Center 2009
First Prize, Watercolor
Chesapeake College Annual Exhibit 2006
Juror’s Choice Award, Watercolor
Plein Air Easton – Local Color Exhibition 2006
First Prize, Watercolor
Chesapeake College Annual Exhibit 2004
Honorable Mention, Oil
Chesapeake College Annual Exhibit 2004
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